Dangerous Australian animals
Australia is known worldwide for its dangerous animals.

Snakes, spiders, sharks and other dangerous animals
Dangerous animals are not limited to spiders, snakes and large animals with teeth. Be on the defense when aggressive birds attack. Jellyfish can deliver a painful sting, and other marine animals can kill. Fish are usually seen as a food source, but the stinging stonefish elicits such pain to a person’s body that you may die from shock.
Brown Snakes, Estuarine Crocodiles and White Sharks are formidable predators and pose dangers to humans. But on average, all the people killed each year by snakes, crocodiles and sharks can be counted on just one hand.
Tiny insects like the mosquito, birds, or even fish can pose a much deadlier threat to unknowing humans. The Australian paralysis tick can latch on to humans and is virtually undetectable. It secretes proteins from the tick’s saliva that creates a lethal allergic reaction in humans.
Discover more about what are Australia’s most dangerous animals!