Volunteer at the Australian Museum
Discover our volunteer programs and how you can contribute to the Australian Museum.

Volunteer programs
Become involved in one of the Australian Museum (AM) volunteer programs! You can volunteer either onsite at 1 William Street, Sydney or get involved in our remote Citizen Science projects.
Volunteers lend a hand supporting front-of-house staff with our visitors, help scientific staff with research or assist the digitisation of our collections by joining the DigiVol program.
All volunteers receive an induction, training and ongoing staff support.
Volunteers are required to support the Australian Museum's Mission and adhere to all policies, guidelines and procedures. Leant more About the Museum.
Click on 'Current volunteering vacancies' below for all roles available now.
Volunteering behind-the-scenes involves helping scientific staff in the Australian Museum.
Volunteers may assist sorting, data entry, cataloguing, labelling, cross-checking, shelving, specimen identification or help with research.
Behind-the-scenes volunteering is offered Monday to Friday only, one day a week or fortnight with a commitment of 12 months or more.
Some science knowledge or computing skills may be an advantage but not essential. Good communication, listening skills plus attention to detail, patience and physical dexterity are important.
Behind-the-scenes volunteers are only recruited as staff need them. Positions are limited and are advertised when available.
Check 'Current volunteering vacancies' below to see all roles available now.
This volunteering involves meeting and greeting visitors in the public galleries of the Australian Museum.
Front-of-house volunteering is offered every day of the week, one day a week or fortnight, with a commitment of 12 months or more.
Good communication skills and fluency in English is required. You will also need to apply for a NSW Working With Children Check. This is free for volunteers.
New volunteers are recruited every 6 - 12 months.
Please check this webpage regularly for dates of the next intake and application form for onsite volunteers.
You can also check 'Current volunteering vacancies' below to see all volunteer roles available now.
DigiVol volunteers complement the work of the Australian Museum Collection staff as well as research scientists by capturing images of specimens, objects and archival materials and then recording label data into digital form.
Data is then transcribed and validated by volunteers on the DigiVol website before being imported to the Museum data base and made available on some scientific websites.
This work helps us to better understand, manage and conserve our precious biodiversity.
Click on the links below to find out more about our two programs.
Applications are now open for new volunteers to assist in the Australian Museum Malacology Lab in our Australian Museum Research Institute.
You can submit an application here.
You can volunteer for the Australian Museum today, from your own home computer. Learn about our Citizen Science projects to view ways you can contribute or go to the DigiVol website to help digitise our collection information online.
Are there any age limits to start volunteering?
You must be 18 years of age to participate in onsite volunteer programs at the Australian Museum, 1 William Street, Sydney.
Citizen Science online projects have no age restrictions.
Are there any qualifications and experience needed to be a volunteer?
Australian Museum volunteers come from all backgrounds and age groups.
Important skills are an ability to communicate and a willingness to listen and learn. Attention to detail, physical dexterity and a level of computing skills could be helpful. Science knowledge or skill may be an advantage but is not essential.
How much time do I need to commit?
All onsite volunteering is during normal office hours, Monday to Friday. Start and finish times are negotiated with an Australian Museum staff supervisor.
Volunteers are expected to commit to volunteer regularly, one day a week or fortnight.
What training is provided?
All volunteers are trained either by going to an intensive training course or 'on the job' by an Australian Museum staff supervisor.
Do you advertise for volunteers?
All new volunteering opportunities are advertised in 'Current volunteering vacancies' on this page.
Is there anything else I should know about being an Australian Museum volunteer?
All volunteers are required to support the Australian Museum's Mission and adhere to all policies, guidelines and procedures. The Museum is committed to maintaining a safe work environment and is included in volunteer training.
Are work experience for high school students and university internship placements available?
View Student opportunities for information.
Are there any fossil dig expeditions I can volunteer for?
The Australian Museum has a very popular Dinosaurs gallery and a fossil collection of more than 125,000 specimens. No fossil digs for volunteers are organised by the Australian Museum.
We suggest searching online to explore what may be on offer. In Queensland, search for the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum. The Australian Mineral Collector website lists mineral and fossil associations in Australia.