Australian Museum Lizard Island Research Station
We acknowledge Dingaal and Ngurrumungu Traditional Owners of the lands, seas and skies of the Lizard Island region.

A world-leading supplier of on-reef facilities for coral reef research and education
Located 270 kms north east of Cairns on the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian Museum’s Lizard Island Research Station (LIRS) has been a vital supplier of coral reef research and education for scientists and researchers from around the world since it was founded in 1973 by former Australian Museum Director, Professor Frank Talbot AM.
LIRS is part of the Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI), led by Professor Kris Helgen, to facilitate coral reef research and education on the Great Barrier Reef – one of Australia’s greatest natural treasures and a World Heritage Area – and is key to the AM’s commitment to transforming the conversation around climate change. In addition to coral reefs, it has other important marine habitats including extensive areas of mangroves and seagrass beds. The Reef has amazing biodiversity and beauty including approximately 1600 species of fish, more than 350 species of hard corals and 4000 mollusc species.
Dr Emily Howells and Dr David Abrego are Co-Directors of LIRS. Together they develop and manage the internationally-renowned coral reef research facility.
Lizard Island Research Station (LIRS) and its facilities
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News from Lizard Island Research Station
Celebrating 50 years of Lizard Island research at the Talbot Oration
The Talbot Oration showcases advances in the field of climate change research and environmental conservation, enabling the public to better understand how responses to the climate challenge determine our future prospects, health, and the sustainability of our natural environment. In the 2023 Talbot Oration held on Wednesday 31 May 2023, Dr Anne Hoggett AM, previous Co-Director of the Australian Museum’s Lizard Island Research Station (LIRS), shared her extensive knowledge about the importance of coral reefs, their complex biology, and the urgent need for action.
Named in honour of former Australian Museum Director Professor Frank Talbot, the annual Talbot Oration celebrates Talbot’s commitment to and achievements in marine research and environmental studies in Australia and on the global stage.
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Lizard Island Reef Research Foundation
Proudly supporting science at the Australian Museum's Lizard Island Research Station and elsewhere on the Great Barrier Reef.
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